Safe... it doesn't have to
mean slower.
Security is everyone's responsibility
and at CMX we believe security should
improve the travel experience, not
impede it.
Short lines, friendly customer service,
and a great travel experience is what we
strive for at CMX. To help enhance your
travel experience please help us by
taking the following steps before going
through security:
TSA's Travel Tips
Before you go...
Visit www.tsa.gov for all the latest
security policies
Liquids, gels, and aerosols are
permitted in 3 ounce containers,
placed in 1 quart size, clear
plastic, zip-top bag. One bag per
Medically necessary liquids like
breast milk, baby formula, and
insulin, are permitted and must be
declared to a security officer at
the checkpoint.
Pack valuable and fragile items in
your carry-on
Remove all items from pockets and
any accessories, including wallets,
belts, money and keys, before going
through screening. Removing these
items will reduce the need for
additional screening.
To avoid leaving any personal items
behind, place them in carry-on-bags
prior to entering the checkpoint.
If carrying a firearm, please check
with your airline for appropriate
Three Simple Steps to
Show your government-issued ID and
boarding pass to the security officer at
the checkpoint.
Take your 3-1-1 bag out of your carry-on
and place separately in the bin. Declare
all medically necessary liquids to a
security officer at the checkpoint.
Take laptops and other large electronics
out of their cases and place in a
separate bin for X-ray screening.
Remove footwear and place in a bin.
Wearing footwear that can be easily
removed helps speed the process. Please
also remove jackets and sweaters and
place in a bin.

Airline and Airport Security is
constantly changing and improving, for
the latest security regulations and
travel tips please go to the
Transportation Security Administration
website at